Wisconsin’s Concentration Camp!






Wisconsin’s Concentration Camp!


          It has been a long time hobby of mine, to expose the hypocrisy of a corrupt system of justice, and in Wisconsin, the Oshkosh Correctional Facility plays a major part of a very corrupt system of justice in Wisconsin.


          It has reached my ears, where, I cannot sit back idly any more and not speaks out about the types of torcher, the Inmates Receive at the hands of the staff. 


          A perfect example of that is, the Inmates I have talked to told me, the staff will not give them their medications, their families have to get a hold of someone on the outside to let them know the type of medical car they really are getting.  Federal requires the States to give the Inmates their medications without them having to fight just to get it, isn’t this cruel and unusual punishment, strictly forbidden by the Constitution of the United States.


          Another thing they did was to cut back on the food proportions of the Inmates to the point if you fed your Dog like  they feed the Inmates, you would have the National Humane Society and P. E. T. A. up in your face for being cruel to an animal.  Then why are they allowed to treat Human Beings this way, their philosophy is, you should not have done the crime.  These Cruel and Heartless Guards will give you the same answer Hitler’s, and Nazi Germany’s Infamous S.S. gave to the press.


          This is another point, they actually sensor the mail going in and out of the Institution, where they actually take things out of the mail, by calling it contraband.   I want to know when the federal government did, make it a federal offence to send letters in to an Inmate who is incarcerated; they did not to my knowledge.  The only ones who did this to their inmates were Hitler’s S.S., and Soviet Russia who was the Communist.


          The other thing the Crooked Staff and Guards do is they steal ideas from the Inmates and call it their own.  Whether it is written or intellectual, they make the Idea their own and make everyone think they made it up and came up with the Idea themselves.  When in reality they do not have an original thought in their heads.


          Now gets to my biggest crime against Humanity, I saw them make a family of handicapped people go through all this stuff they did not do for the other people who were visiting loved ones.  They actually made a wheel chair bound man and woman get out of their chairs, and use their chair, reason for this was they said they might be hiding contraband. 

         The staff also denied them the right to use the restrooms, because this could be a threat to the staff. The other thing I personally witnessed was they denying an elderly couple the right to see their son and yet another elderly disabled couple was denied the right to visit their grandson. 

         The reason they gave for this was they did not have the proper documentation stating they were old and elderly and needed special treatment, because the old man had a hip replacement and could not go through the metal doctor, and the old woman had a pacemaker and also could not go through the metal detector.


          The thing I want to know is this, why do they have the hand held units for metal detectors, if the guards and staff is too lazy to get off their back sides, then why is the tax payers of Wisconsin paying for this if the staff is too Lazy to get off their Back side.

I got this information from Intreviews I conducted with many of inmates who were reluctent to go on the record, the only way they would do the interviews if it was going to be strictly off the record.  This facility practes discrimination against all kinds of people especially if they get a hint you are Jewish or Hebrew or even have one drop of hebrew blood in you.  This problem is not just in this Correctional facility but it is state wide and is a unofficial internial doccument that is known internially.  All of the Inmates or Prisoners I had a pleasure of speaking with told me it this fact is well knowen among the prison population and no one can do a thing to stop.  Some of the Inmates have told me of many of rights violations, one would associate with Communist Russia or Hitlers S.S. in Germany.  Some of the Inmates have actually wittnessed Inmates being beat to death, and if any one even begins to chalange the Gards and staff they will place you in the Hole for a very long time untill you are almost dead and then they make the Inmates sign a paper to the fact, of what the D.O.C. will tell the public of why the inmate died.  It should be a federal law that when a Inmate dies in a Institution all of the staff that was on duty when the person died, especially if it is under Suspicious circumstances, where the staff will tell the sitizens of the State of Wisconsin and the Federal Government that the prisoneer was resisting attempts to calm down the Inmate and the rest of the Prison Poppulation, and the inmate died as a result of his own ignorance and abbuse of fellow inmates.  The guards and staff who are to care for the inmate should be up on charges, of Murder in the First Degree or what they call today PreMeditated Murder, and the gards if the state has Death Penalty should have to die by a Fireing Squad in the Courtyard of the prisoneers by fellow Gards, this way the inmates will have a incentive to break their silence to get justice for their fellow inmwte who just was murdered by some Guard who did not like Him or Her.  After all who would belive a Convict over a upstanding prison guard who the state thinks do no evil.


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    Ms. Judy Smith, Warden 1730 West Snell Rd, PO Box 3530. Oshkosh, WI 54903-3530 institution shall be the Oshkosh Correctional Institution (OSCI),








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