Patrick F. O’Melia 1017200, A Son Of Satan

A Son of Satan


          What do I mean by this, a Judge who in 1994 was the District Attorney of  Oneida County, Rhinelander Wisconsin?  This corrupt District Attorney’s name is Patrick F. O’Melia, 1017200, he was rewarded for his corruption on a later date, he was appointed Judge of Branch One, by Governor Doyle.


          Check to see how many complaints were lodged against this very corrupt District Attorney 1017200, check to see how many complaints of racism were lodged against  him, and allegations  he fudged and knowingly lied to win his cases, no matter what the cost. 


          Patrick F. O’Melia 1017200 knew a certain man he brought up to Rhinelander from Racine to win a trial of a certain man he hated.  Reason he hated this man is, when he was Assistant DA, and Assistant Corporation Council.  Patrick O’Melia had to do the grunt work by write  the papers which  took this man’s  Niece and Nephew, along with his father out of the house, away from this man’s mother. 


          This little pervert Patrick F. O’Melia 1017200, was the one who alimentally had this man’s father taken out of the house on the grounds this man’s mother might Sexually Assault his father.  Is this kind of thinking a Kind of Sexual Assault, and does this make Patrick F. O’Melia 1017200 a pervert himself.  Or was this sexual harassment a kind of sexual assault, then why is not this little pervert sitting in prison himself for sexual assault.


Patrick F. O’Melia did this because she was a Jew, and he hates Jews, as a matter of fact he echoed Judge Robert E. Kinney Circuit Judge, Branch One opinion very loudly.  Both Patrick F. O’Melia 1017200, and Robert E. Kinney said off the record, and I quote them word for word.  “ If we allow Jews next we will have Niggers and Spicks, and we all know what they will do to our women,  Hitler had the right Idea kill all the Jews” I hate all Jews especially this man and his family. 


What part was the impartiality, and being non-byes, when the State of Wisconsin, and the Constitution of the United States of America, clearly states a judge and District Attorney are to be non-bias.  Then why is this man still sitting in prison, this proves right there, little pervert Patrick F. O’Melia 1017200 is bias and should be removed immediately from the Bench.


The above reasons is why Patrick F. O’Melia 1017200 brought a dead man up from the city, this dead man was  after this man’s family moved from Racine to escape this man and his gang the Latin Kings.  The crooked and corrupt District Attorney Patrick F. O’Melia 1017200 brought in the man, who was dead a very long time, as a false witness. 


This was told to me by the son of this little hunchback, what do you think killed him.  You guessed it AIDS, at the time when Patrick F. O’Melia 1017200 was Quote on Quote bringing him up to Rhinelander.


Patrick F. O’Melia 1017200  really was bringing the dead man’s brother up masquerading as him in his place.  How is this for corruption committing fraud to win a case, why isn’t this corrupt D. A. now a judge of Branch One sitting in prison instead of on the bench.  That man’s brother was too foolish to know this very corrupt D. A. Patrick F. O’Melia 1017200 was taking him advantage of. 


These are the kind of  raciest remarks Patrick F. O’Melia 1017200 said about this Mexican man and his family,  heard in  the halls of the court house, in Judge Kinney’s Chambers off the record of coerce so no one could ever view or see the kind of Racist they really were and the State of Wisconsin allows them to go off the record so the higher courts can look at a altered document to guarantee the conviction stands by the higher courts. 


In fact, the U. S. Supreme Court has up held this kind of thing so they can guarantee that more people are put to death each year without the threat of having the case thrown out on grounds of racism.  I think if it is an official court case, they should never be able to go off the record, or have it simply stricken from the record to hide the lower and higher courts improprieties.


I quote Patrick F. O’Melia 1017200 “Who the hell can tell one Spick from another Spick, no one will know the difference he is really dead.  If that dumb Spick’s family knew I hate all Niggers and Spicks, they never would have agreed to lie for me on the witness stand. 


Oh well there is at least one thing he can be happy for, this spick and his family were stupid enough to go for it and purged themselves on the witness stand.  This stupid spick and his family can be happy about one thing; I hate Jews even more than I hate Niggers and Spicks”.


          Patrick F. O’Melia 1017200 goes off the record more times than his pretissesor did Robert E. Kinney, this is where they do their racism, and their illegal activities, they got away with, and still are getting  away with. 


           The other Corrupt Method our corrupt Judges use is if they do not like something, they just can have it stricken from the record.  Using these two methods mentioned in the proceeding paragraphs, is the two ways our judges and whoever has the power do things so the upper courts are only looking at an altered document. 


          This kind of corruption is from the state appellate courts all the way to the United States Supreme Court. This way the higher courts especially the Supreme Court Can look at the altered records and truthfully say the lower courts did nothing wrong.    


         How do you think the U.S. Supreme Court  can deny Justice to the poor and the Minorities, this way the Courts and Legal System can legally  deny justice  to the systems victims and they go to prison for a very long time.  If the victims of a very corrupt legal system, who pretends to have the very best system of Justice, go to prison for a very long time, then the perpetrators of these crimes against humanity, should be put to death like all people who do crimes against humanity do.


          Truth in legislation is one way we can rain in all of our politicians, and judges or whoever else happens to be in law enforcement.  On another article, I will tell you what truth and legislation is, it is too long and too much to put in this document then I will try to explain it to the American People.


         Someone had a picture of the DA Patrick F. O’Melia 10170200 who happens to be a upstanding Judge in Oneida County know, doing dope and having sex with some underage girls.  Doesn’t this make him a sex offender, only if a person could prove it, that is why he covered his tracks by having the above man sent to prison for a sex crime he did not commit. 


          Patrick F. O’Melia 1017200 knows this man is innocent, and sits in prison for a crime he did not commit, all so he could shut this man up.  After all, who would believe sex pervert over an upstanding D.A. Now a Judge. 


         I believe this D. A. Patrick F. O’Melia 1017200 really committed this crime and had this man he hated set up to take the fall for him,  the girl and Patrick F. O’Melia 1017200 were having sex this man told me, she  was about 11 years old. 


         This man I did not know, but after doing, my investigation knew he was telling the truth, offered to show me a picture of the two of them having sexual intercourse. 


         To his invitation I answered him no thanks, because this would make me no better than Patrick F. O’Melia 1017200 and an accessory after the fact to the crime.  This is why I turned down that mans invitation to view the pictures, he offered to show me. 


          I did turn him in to the police because I think that this made him just as bad as Judge Patrick F. O’Melia 1017200.  I did this by an anomies tip, on the county’s anomies tip line.  I told a man I have to keep on going; by the way, you can find someone else to look at that kind of trash with you is exactly what I told him and did.


          People who were in the County Jail at this time told me, the DA Patrick F. O’Melia 1017200 , was having sex with underage children usually little girls.  This was before they entered puberty, why did not anyone check or interview his children to see if they were virgins.


         It has been heard him bragging and telling many different people I am D. A. and I can get away with this, who would believe a criminal especially a very bad sex pervert over a upstanding citizen like me.  He went on with his brag to tell them this is the way he likes a female young and in her prime.


       Patrick F. O’Melia 1017200 was drunk at the time, as a matter of fact the people who told me this told me all you have to do is to get him Drunk or High on drugs and he will bear his soul to you, telling you all of the crimes he has committed.  After telling these people this, they told me he got into his car after getting drunk as a skunk and blowing dope up his nose.  


       The other thing this man,  who I will keep anomous told me was a friend of his  took pictures and had them  of Patrick F. O’Melia 1017200, doing dope and having sex with under aged little girls and getting them high so he could have sex with them.


       This way they would not remember it and report him, one of the little girls who thought she had sex with Patrick F. O’Melia 1017200 convenenentally committed suiside or was it really murder for hire.


       This little girl let a suicide not of what he did to her and her friend, which conveniently also managed to get lost somehow.  Both of these girls were in a drug group where they told the people who   ran the group what he was doing to them on a regular basses, and they encored the two of them.  So again, this very corrupt Judge managed to cover his tracks leaving no trace of his crimes.  Why doesn’t someone in the state Berou of Investigation investigate this very corrupt and perverted judge, putting him a way in prison for a very long time where he belongs?

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